
Barbara Bettis launches Writers' Wednesday feature on her blog, with V.L. Gregory as her first guest!

Virginia Pohlenz, who writes as V.L. GregoryBarbara Bettis, a long-time member of Ozarks Romance Authors, has launched a great feature on her blog called Writers' Wednesday. Each week, she will spotlight a writing tip from authors, both those published and those on the journey to publication.

This week, Barb is interviewing another long-time member of Ozarks Romance Authors -- Virginia Pohlenz, who writes as V.L. Gregory.

VIRGINIA POHLENZ / V.L. GREGORY Virginia Pohlenz spent three years as Book Talk Representative for the Gateway Region of Scholastic and uses that experience to inform her ‘written’ storytelling. An avid fan of Dr. Suess, she says, “My greatest writing thrill was winning Random House’s 'Ham It Up' Contest. The $100 gift certificate and $50 Seuss library were worth the effort. However, my pride and joy is the original Green Eggs and Ham serigraph that I won from the estate of Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss).”

Virginia writes Young Adult westerns and western poetry.

Visit her online by clicking HERE.

BARBARA BETTIS Barbara Bettis is an award-winning author of historical fiction, and a long-time instructor of English and journalism at the college level.

She lives in the Missouri Ozarks and is active in several writers’ groups in the area, including Ozarks Romance Authors.

Visit Barb’s blog by clicking HERE. Her main web site is HERE.

Be sure to check Barb’s blog for future Writers’ Wednesday features! Virginia Pohlenz, who writes as V.L. Gregory, is the guest today at Writers' Wednesday on Barbara Bettis' blog.