
Ozarks Romance Authors' store is open for business!

Ozarks Romance Authors T-shirtLooking for a great way to support your favorite non-profit group while letting more people know that you are a fabulous writer? How about adding a few pieces of ORAwear to your wardrobe?

Here is the link to go to our store:

You'll find some cute things like T-shirts, sweatshirts, polo shirts, ringer T-shirts, caps, tote bags, messenger bags, teddy bears, license plate frames, and mugs.

Ozarks Romance Authors was founded in 1987 as a regional writers' group focusing on the romance fiction genre. The group was a chapter of Romance Writers of America (RWA).

Through the years, ORA evolved into a multi-genre group. Current members have been published by traditional book publishers, e-publishers, independent publishers, Kindle, Nook, and various newspapers, magazines, trade journals, and industry publications.

Members range from those who are just thinking of getting started in writing to those who have been published many times.

If you are interested in the publishing industry, we would love to meet you. Our monthly meetings are fun and informative, and our critique group can help you polish your manuscript and get it ready for agents and editors to consider.

Meetings are held the first Saturday of each month at The Library Station in Springfield, Missouri. This is just south of the intersection of Interstate 44 and North Kansas Expressway, or just north of the intersection of West Kearney Street and North Kansas Expressway. Click HERE to see a map.

If you have questions about the group, feel free to post a comment here, send us an email at, or call (417) 597-4716.

Join us June 4, 2011, for "Editor/Agent Pitch Session: How to Make it a Success!"

Join us Saturday, June 4, 2011, as our guest speaker presents "The Editor/ Agent Pitch Session: How to Make it a Success!" This information is especially hot right now because those attending our July 23, 2011, annual conference have the chance to pitch to Lia Brown (editor with Avalon Books) and Louise Fury (literary agent with the L. Perkins Agency).

You have a scheduled appointment with the editor or agent of your dreams. Now you’re petrified you’ll never make it through the interview. What do you need to do to prepare?

Guest speaker Kelly Henkins (who writes as Angela Drake) will walk us through ten tried and true tips to overcome anxiety, breeze through that all-important five minutes, and walk away a success.

Kelly Henkins began actively pursuing a writing career twenty years ago. Since then, she has won many awards for short pieces, partials and poetry and published in art magazines.

Kelly is member of Ozarks Creative Writers, Mid-South Writers' Group, Sleuths Ink, and Ozarks Romance Authors.

For eight years, she hosted a weekly workshop on AOL. She continues to moderate a Yahoo Group extension of that workshop, The Writers' Zone, and is owner of the World Romance Writers and World Romance Readers loops.

When not writing, she speaks at conferences and enjoys time with her granddaughter, gardening, journaling, and a myriad of artistic pursuits. Her husband and best friend of twenty-seven years, Bob, supports her many avenues of creativity.

Visit her online at:

Ozarks Romance Authors, a non-profit group for writers of all genres, was founded in 1987. The regional writers' group holds its meetings the first Saturday of each month at The Library Station, 2535 N. Kansas Expressway, in Springfield, Missouri.

Join us for critique group at 10:00 a.m., lunch at noon, and our meeting/guest speaker at 1:00 p.m.

Visitors are welcome. Your first three visits are free.

Our annual conference will be held July 23, 2011, at The Clarion Hotel and Conference Center. To learn more about the amazing lineup of speakers and workshops, click here to visit our conference page.

If you have questions about the group, please email us at

NOTE: When the first Saturday of the month falls on a holiday weekend, we often reschedule. If you’re thinking of visiting and it’s a holiday weekend, please email us to find out if we have rescheduled.