
ORA's Jill Slack and Ruth Hunter Spoke to Springfield Writers' Guild

Ozarks Romance Authors vice president Ruth Hunter and president Jill Slack spoke to Springfield Writers' Guild on Saturday, April 23, 2011, on blogging and social media for writers.Ozarks Romance Authors officers Jill Slack and Ruth Hunter spoke to Springfield Writers' Guild April 23, 2011.

Their goal was to introduce SWG members to the importance of social media and blogging as ways for writers to boost their careers.

President Jill Slack spoke about social media sites Facebook and Twitter for social media, and using WordPress for buidling blogs and web sites.

Vice President Ruth Hunter spoke about blogging strategies and using Blogspot to build web sites and blogs.

Springfield Writers' Guild is a chapter of Missouri Writers' Guild.

There was a good crowd at the Heritage Cafeteria for the meeting, which is where Ozarks Romance Authors used to meet years ago. Most of the SWG members in attendance do not have Facebook or Twitter accounts or blogs, and there were many questions to be answered following the presentataions.

It is always great for the writers' groups within our region to work together, and Jill and Ruth had a great time. They appreciated several Ozarks Romance Authors members who took the time to attend the SWG meeting, and there were a few who overlap with membership in both groups.

Ozarks Romance Authors, a non-profit group for Missouri writers of all genres, was founded in 1987. The regional writers’ group holds its meetings the first Saturday of each month at The Library Station, 2535 N. Kansas Expressway, in Springfield, Missouri.

Critique group begins at 10:00 a.m., lunch is at noon at Panera next door, and our meeting with guest speaker begins at 1:00 p.m.

Visitors are welcome. Your first three visits are free.

Our annual conference will be held July 23, 2011, at The Clarion Hotel and Conference Center. To learn more about the amazing lineup of speakers and workshops, click HERE to visit our conference page.

If you have questions about the group, please email us at or call (417) 597-4716.