Monthly Meeting – Saturday, September 5, 2015 - Holly Atkinson will present Pitching to Editors and Agents

Monthly Meeting – Saturday, September 5, 2015 - Holly Atkinson will present Pitching to Editors and Agents

 Holly Atkinson2Holly Atkinson was fortunate to receive her first taste in editing when she was thirteen and wrote copy for a local realtor show. In 2008, Holly graduated from Missouri State University with a Bachelor’s in English, emphasizing in Creative Writing. Her first real job in the literary world came in the role of line editor for Lyrical Press. In 2011, she was recruited by Mundania Press as a content editor, where she met one of her future Samhain coworkers. In 2012, Holly joined the amazing team at Samhain Publishing.

Holly lives in Missouri with her husband, loves travel, musicals, and goes a little nutty around the holidays. In her spare time, she writes erotic romances and serves as a copywriter for a local marketing firm.


Please note that in September, ORA will be meeting at the Midtown Carnegie Branch Library, 397 E. Central St., Springfield, MO. The speaker begins at 1:00.

Join our critique group from 10 a.m. to Noon. Want your work reviewed by talented writers and published authors? Bring twenty copies of up to five pages of your work to share for critique or just listen and offer advice.