Author Tim Ritter

Monthly Meeting--Saturday, May 4, 2013 The Frisco Room at The Library Station, 2535 N. Kansas Expressway, Springfield, MO

Critique group at 10:00 a. m. followed by lunch at Panera and our speaker at 1:00 p. m.

Author Tim Ritter

Join us at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, May 4, 2013, as author Tim Ritter shares his path toward publication and what it was like to work with the popular print-on-demand publisher Vervante.If you have considered self-publishing and are curious about the process of print-on-demand publishing, bring your questions and be ready to take lots of notes."Soul Sketches" is a heart-felt collection of poems and writings of life and love, marriage, children, divorce, death, faith, and all the other events and emotions that make up the human experience.Tim Ritter started writing the collection that became Soul Sketches while he was in college, making record of the events going on in his life and the lives of those around him. Over the next 20+ years, he recorded finding love, becoming a husband and father, losing family members, ending a marriage, raising sons, discovering love again in life and other events, as well as expressing whimsical ideas. He also explores his own lusts and desires and examines finding ways to express his faith.Soul Sketches is intended to be a collection of thoughts and experiences where the reader can find him or her self, find pieces they can identify with. The author hopes while reading this collection, the reader wants to stand up and say, "Been there!"The book is available online at: are scheduled to be in the Frisco Room at The Library Station this month. This is one of the meeting rooms along the front of the building, facing the big glass windows. (NOTE: If you peek into the Frisco Room and nobody looks familiar, it means we got bumped at the last minute and you'll need to check Facebook and/or ask a library employee to see where they have moved us.)