Sharon Kizziah-Holmes
ORA Board President
Sharon has lived in the Ozarks for thirty years. She's been a member of Ozarks Romance Authors twenty-two of those years and has served terms as President, Vice President and Secretary. ORA helped her get started in her career as an author and she now has 15 publications available, including short stories, full length novels, children's picture books and coloring books.
Although Sharon has assisted writers in self-publishing since the mid 1990’s, in 2014 she observed many colleagues were under-compensated and under-served by small press/hybrid publishers (who typically require certain rights, demand purchase of a designated number of books and take part of the author’s royalties). As a result, she and her husband developed Paperback-Press, an affordable, professional indie assist service venue. Sharon helps fellow writers self publish with industry standard expertise. To date, PBP has published over three hundred books.
Available Titles
The Will and the Wisp | Paranormal Short Stories | Riding the Storm | A Christmas Gift from God | Romance Short Stories | Bottom's Up | A Star That Twinkled But Never Got to Shine | Gamble for Life | The Adventures of Flat Yeti | A Dog's Life | Children Did You Know: Santa Believes | Children Did You Know: Easter Bunny Believes | Children Did You Know: Santa Believes (Coloring Book) | Camouflage Santa Claus | Camouflage Santa Clause (Coloring Book)